Identity Insider:

Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

2 min read

International privacy concerns debated in Mexico City

Last week, international data and privacy government regulators gathered at the 33rd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Mexico City, Silicon Valley Mercury News reports. The goal of their conference was to...

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1 min read

Don't dismiss email just yet

While many contend that email as a promotional vehicle is dead, the facts don't support the idea. While it's true that more consumers are relying on...

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1 min read

Neuromarketing Depends on Targeting

Neuromarketing, which bases it's strategies on the inner workings of the human mind, is a field of marketing that's been raising a lot of attention -...

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1 min read

Facebook's New Layout

When Facebook first announced its intent to make yet another series of changes to user interface, marketers instinctively began buzzing about what...

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1 min read

Email campaigns help interested consumers become customers

Every company tries to engage online prospects by driving them to their company website and then encouraging them to register or setup an online user...

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1 min read

Marketing budgets expected to rise despite economic woes

The year 2011 has seen some scary financial realities, such as stubbornly high unemployment ratings, the downgrade of U.S. credit and the...

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2 min read

Privacy matters more than the value of the offer

Marketers are not surprised and it isn't at all shocking to online consumers. Both have long been concerned about the intrusive marketing methods...

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Thanksgiving creates the perfect opportunity for nonprofits to cash in on good will

Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, and it's traditionally a time for folks to sit back and reflect on the good fortune they have had throughout...

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1 min read

Tapping into the $1 trillion Hispanic market this holiday season

On the eve of the holiday rush, retailers are racking their brains to come up with a great promotional scheme. One of the biggest issues this year is...

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2 min read

Ad race for 2012 Elections heats up in time for the holidays

This year, political candidates will have to compete with the usual seasonal flood of holiday advertisements from retailers trying to make the most...

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