Identity Insider:

Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

1 min read

The Next-Gen in B2B Engagement Models

Most digital B2B programs focus on the keyword buys and inbound marketing tactics that are considered Business Marketing 101. Inbound programs serve their purpose in finding the users who are looking for you online, but it is often a challenge to...

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2 min read

Crowdsourcing in Sports: A Tangible Way to Make Immediate Sales

One of the more fascinating niche markets that has embraced our Digital Onboarding and Targeting platform has been professional sports.

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1 min read

Digital Direct Mail: First-Party Onboarding at Scale

First-Party Onboarding with Reach and Deterministic Attribution While the lines between offline and online marketing have increasingly blurred, not...

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2 min read

The Dealer Dilemma - Leads and Attribution

As B2B marketers contemplate shifting more dollars to digital in order to take advantage of the lower costs and promise of better customer reach,...

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1 min read

Connecting In-Store Walk-in Traffic with Mobile and Website Activity

Creating Transparency between Each Offline and Online Touchpoint The success of a digital marketing program is determined by the path that the...

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3 min read

Matchback: Quantifying Marketing Return on Investment

With digital media increasing to 37% of all marketing spend in 2016, the calls for a proven digital ROI model continue to increase. Brands need to...

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2 min read

The Next Campaign: The Universal ID

4 Key Themes Impacted by the Universal ID When you attend industry events involving Agencies, Ad Tech, and CRM Marketing companies, there are a few...

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1 min read

Omni-Reach in a Multi-Channel World

The Difference Between Multi-Channel and Omni-Channel Marketing While marketers intuitively understand the benefits of running a multi-channel...

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1 min read

Closed-Loop Attribution and the Customer ID

As Multi-Channel Strategies Increase, Marketers Need to Close the Loop A recent IAB report found that the majority of marketers, media buyers,...

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2 min read

Account-Based Marketing: The Shiny New Object in Ad Tech

According to Ad Exchanger’s Industry Preview, native ads and header bidding are a few of the “shiny new objects” in the Ad Tech space this year....

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