Identity Insider:

Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

3 min read

The Genie is out of the Bottle: A Parable to Transparency

That part of the Disney movie where the genie manages to escape the bottle and start making all kinds of promises to its “master” always brings an “uh-oh – what is going to happen next?” reaction from the crowd. The reason? In spite of promises of...

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1 min read

Driving Online Ticket Sales – Reaching the Unknown Fan

Professional football season will kick off in just two weeks. For some franchises this will be a year of promise for the fans, and for others it will...

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1 min read

The Attribution Chain of Custody - Online and Offline

It’s become painfully clear that cookie matching isn’t cutting it. Customers are rightfully demanding higher levels of transparency to the audience...

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1 min read

Create a Feast for the Sales & Marketing Funnel: Turn your Site Traffic into Named Leads

The life blood of sales is quality leads. This has been a staple in B2B marketing, but in today’s digital on-demand culture it is also highly...

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1 min read

Offline and Online Transparency Touchpoints

Results, and the path that a consumer takes to a purchase, need to be measured in order to replicate success to a broader audience. Each B2C or B2B...

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2 min read

The ABM - B2B Challenge

The largest untapped resource for lead generation is the corporate website. Prospects provide ample indication of interest, but remain unidentified...

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2 min read

Targeting is Taking Us Back to the Future

When Marty McFly declared to Doc Brown, “I know you just sent me back to the future, but now I’m back,” he was climbing out of a time machine dressed...

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2 min read

An End to Sloppy Matching: Audience Onboarding & Back Again

When online advertising was just an audience extension tool, the details of the data onboarding process for the digital audiences didn’t really...

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2 min read

Back to the Future with Targeting

When Marty McFly declared to Doc Brown, “I know you just sent me back to the future, but now I’m back,” he was climbing out of a time machine dressed...

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1 min read

Generating Leads Online and Offline

The Virtuous Circle of Online Behavior Generates Leads The life blood of sales is access to quality leads. This is especially true in...

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