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Press Releases and Bylines

Nothing But Net: Dallas Mavs Use Tech To ID, Target Fans

Barely two years ago, the Dallas Mavericks were far from the hottest franchise in the National Basketball Association. The team has since improved through savvy draft picks — like Luka Doncic, who was tied for second as the second-best playmaker...

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#PlaceConf: Location & Privacy - The Way Forward

At the LSA’s Place Conference in New York City, before getting into where we could go, the panelists began by discussing what’s on the horizon — the...

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1 min read

Privacy Is a Good Thing, But the Unintended Consequences of GDPR Could Be Ruinous

New privacy laws like GDPR and the California Consumer Rights Privacy Act have good intentions, but in practice, they dramatically limit user choice...

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Local Races Are Key to Retaking The House, But Attribution For Political Ads Is Still MIA

Borrell Associates predicts the 2018 election cycle will be an $8.5 billion "advertising bonanza." Attribution of this spend is key.

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Amazon, a Case for Protecting Consumer Choice

In a Twitter tantrum, Donald Trump accused Amazon of taking advantage of the United States Postal Service. While the president is motived by the fact...

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1 min read

How to Prove Your Campaigns Are Converting High-Lifetime Value Customers

The automotive industry has long been a leader in terms of advertising spend. By one estimate, automotive advertisers spent more than $16 billion...

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Getting Attribution Right Means Adopting A Digital Mailbox

Old models die hard. For more than a decade, attribution meant crediting either the first touch or the last click. But, in an increasingly...

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1 min read

The national advertising model is on life support: it's time to pull the plug

A fast food chain called Sonic is known for running national television advertising campaigns, despite the fact that many of the people who see the...

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1 min read

Semcasting Matchback Attribution Named One of the Most Innovative Products of 2017 by PM360

PM360, a leading trade magazine for marketing decision makers in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and diagnostics industries, honored...

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