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Reaching Those with the Financial Ability to Transact

Reaching the Affluent Consumer

Who are they? They’re the people with the most product awareness, the highest levels of discretionary income, and the biggest buying power. They're the affluent consumer.

According to a study by American Express and Harrison Group, affluent households in the U.S. account for 50 percent of all retail sales, 70 percent of all retail margins, and over five trillion dollars in spending.

The affluent consumer is at the top of the food chain when it comes to being digitally connected. They are the heaviest users of digital, where 98 percent go online. They are also 12 percent more likely to make an online purchase when compared to an average internet user.

One statistic should be highlighted for every marketing professional: device usage during conversions. According to an eMarketer study, nearly 31 percent of affluent consumers are on smartphones or tablets when they purchase a product or service. With this audience if you’re not optimizing for mobile and cross-device capability, you may be leaving a third of your sales to the competitors.

For over a decade, brands and agencies have relied on cookies to connect to online audiences on the desktop. However, when it comes to targeting mobile and cross-device consumers, cookies aren’t good enough.  App-based audiences lack reach, and third party cookies aren’t supported on over half of mobile devices.

Semcasting Smart Zones™ can target your affluent audience.

With an average 90-95% match rate to consumer or business lists, there is a virtually guaranteed match to affluent consumers and their digital footprint. Using Smart Zones, marketers always have complete transparency to who they are targeting with zero duplication or waste in their online campaigns, and every audience is defined by over 750+ attributes for demographic accuracy. To find qualified affluent consumers on the desktop, on a mobile device, at home or at work, Smart Zones enables reach to any device connected to the Internet.

Don’t settle for sub-standard targeting. Test Smart Zones today for either B2C or B2B campaigns.

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2 min read

A Universal ID Won’t Work. It Could Jeopardize Election Integrity

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