Identity Insider:

Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

2 min read

Opt in, opt out, and the gray area in between

Following the FTC recommendations for new legislation for online privacy and the growing publicity that behavioral tracking has received, marketers and industry groups have begun increasing the visibility of their opt-out features to demonstrate...

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1 min read

2012 primaries: Message matters, but accurate targeting does too

A recent article in Advertising Age attributed Rick Santorum's success in the Iowa primaries to his ability to zero in on the most likely audience to...

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1 min read

Celebrate Data Privacy Day by switching to a privacy-friendly targeting solution

The fourth annual Data Privacy Day is set for January 28. Data Privacy Day is an international holiday meant to create awareness of user privacy...

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1 min read

IP targeting can help marketers get it right the first time

A recent ClickZ article referenced a mattress retailer that was able to improve its online advertising conversion rates after adjusting its campaign...

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1 min read

Numbers are nil without relevant analytics

A point of contention among advertisers for some time is that behavioral data targeting isn't as efficient as it should be in reaching the online...

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1 min read

Personalization helps sustain the effectiveness of regular promotions

Consumers might find it favorable for retailers to hold constant promotions, but is this the best way for companies to realize big profits? Allowing...

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2 min read

Will OBA self-regulation limit advertisers?

OBA self-regulation among ad networks was rolled out early in 2011 and is beginning to gain traction, but what will the consequences be for marketers...

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2 min read

Three reasons why clicks aren't telling you enough

It's tempting to base your marketing impressions on the number of clicks garnered by your ads. But are these numbers really what they appear to be at...

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2 min read

Leveraging Hyper-local Marketing

With the increased push for social marketing in the last year came a growing emphasis on hyper-local marketing. Hyper-local is all about greater...

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1 min read

Too much data and not enough relevancy

According to a recent Vizu study, 6 percent of brands and 16 percent of advertising agencies "strongly believed" that the data they were receiving...

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