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Targeting Entertainment Industry Customers

Smart Zones for the Entertainment Industry

Targeting of Life-Styles with Improved Reach

Whether you are looking for concert or sports tickets, catching up on a new TV series or looking for an action packed movie, you are likely to do your research online, as it is both more up-to-date and convenient. The entertainment industry is usually one of the first to market in an effort to expand their reach into every life style group and marketing channel, especially search, display, social, video and mobile advertising.

With 85 percent of consumers online, companies have had to find ways to increase their reach by targeting entertainment industry customers on their laptops, desktops, mobile phones and tablets, no matter where or when they are online. With Smart Zones, any offline list can be converted into targetable zones, giving you nearly 100 percent reach to everyone on that list if they are online.

Smart Zones

Using the Smart Zones audience-targeting platform, targeting entertainment industry customers is easier and more robust with the unique ability to reach 249 million people and 18 million businesses in the U.S. and Canada, without the use of cookies, tracking, or inferred segmentation. With nearly half of consumers blocking cookies at the browser or network level, and many mobile devices not supporting third-party cookies, Smart Zones is the most comprehensive and accurate audience targeting available.

Smart Zones is direct mail online; giving entertainment companies the ability to define audiences by over 750 verified demographic, socioeconomic and purchasing attributes such as age, race, income, discretionary income and interests. All zones are device-independent with no onboarding costs and can be used to precisely target a select audience across most ad networks through programmatic real-time bidding (RTB).

To see how Smart Zones can help you generate more leads, view our Entertainment Industry page and download our overview.

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