1 min read

Rationalizing the Lead Generation Experience in Auto

Mobile devices and dealer websites play a unique role for generating leads in the auto shopping experience because they open up a more dynamic and responsive marketing channel for dealerships.

For example, a user who is out for a Sunday drive and decides to drive by an auto mall or particular dealership may spot a particular vehicle “on the lot.” It would not be uncommon for that user to reach for their phone and go online to Kelley Blue Book, CarGurus, or the dealership website to check out the price.
Since mobile location-based services became more common in retail, the application of this technology for a dealership can be more meaningful than a random walk by. Mobile and website traffic can be converted into locations and automatically combined with public data through AI and Machine Learning to generate qualified leads and advertising follow-up. Instead of retargeting display ads that blanket zip codes, ad spend can be focused on qualified prospects who have demonstrated engagement by going on the website and/or being on the lot.
SmartTarget Leads allow the dealer to transform their marketing dollar into a more rational shopping experience that is less intrusive to the consumer, costs less, and has been proven to generate better ROI. Best of all? It’s FREE to qualified dealerships.
SmartTarget Leads converts website and mobile visits to behavioral and ownership data. A simple ad tag is placed on the dealer site. Each visit is recorded and matched to a prospect including data on the age and value of current vehicles, proximity to the dealership, affluence, and a predictive model indicating likelihood of buying a new car. SmartTarget Leads automatically integrates into the dealers' CRM systems so they can follow up with qualified prospects through email or direct mail. This technology provides an ideal way to fill the dealership pipeline with qualified new prospects. It rationalizes wasted pay-by-the-lead solutions and poorly targeted digital advertising investments, allowing the dealership to focus their marketing resources on what matters – selling cars.
SmartTarget Leads is a complimentary and TURN-KEY service to qualified dealers. Dealers get FREE leads they can act on through their CRM platform. It is a win-win. As a solutions provider, we train our AI and Machine Learning technology to recognize in-the-market car buyers.

When a dealer elects to deploy display advertising against the FREE leads, the SmartTarget Conquest platform leads turn into active car buyers through qualified digital outreach.
To see actual proven results from SmartTarget Leads and SmartTarget Conquest, click here.

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