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Are Data Gaps Hurting your Marketing Efforts?

Don't Miss the Potential in Omni-Channel Marketing

A recent Advertising Research Foundation study found that brands see an average 19% increase in ROI by expanding their media channels from one to two, with each additional channel adding to the net realized growth. The same study found that campaigns with a unified strategy – where messaging is coordinated, with creatives tailored to each channel – were 57% more effective on average.

With this kind of lift potential, it is hard to imagine that the professional marketer wouldn’t rush to make omni-channel a core competency.

The basic challenge with omni-channel, however, is multi-channel audience data.  You can’t successfully execute an omni-channel campaign if you don’t have your audience data fully mapped across channels with a high degree of uniform coverage.  Transitioning prospect lists from offline to online and online to offline can result in low match rates, high onboarding fees, and little transparency to which prospects you actually end up with.

A Millward Brown Digital study found that only 50% of agency marketers and 25% of brand marketers are confident about their multi-channel media mix.

Semcasting Smart Zones® was designed for omni-channel campaigns by offering marketers a way to take multiple forms of single-channel prospect leads and turn them into an omni-channel data asset.

With a postal address from your CRM, you can now target a consumer or business online through programmatic display, mobile, social, and e-mail. The reverse is also true; the IP address of a website visitor or online target can be identified to a location, profiled, and targeted offline through direct mail, bill-board, programmatic TV, or mobile.

Smart Zones is a twice-patented IP targeting technology that bridges offline and online channels with reach and transparency to the actual audience being targeted. For over 240 million consumers, 140 million homes, and 18 million businesses, Smart Zones precisely locates advertising delivery points across multiple channels allowing targeting to over 750 consumer attributes.  Smart Zones is ideal for business campaigns, allowing for outreach to specialized professional decision makers in finance, healthcare and medical, high-tech and manufacturing where multi-channel reach and accuracy is all important.

Once you understand who your audience are and how they’re engaging in your market, Smart Zones will help you to define multi-channel audiences so that you can execute follow up strategies and accurately report performance.

For more information of Semcasting Smart Zones® technology, download our datasheet.

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