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Generating Leads Online and Offline

The Virtuous Circle of Online Behavior Generates Leads

The life blood of sales is access to quality leads. This is especially true in Business-to-Business marketing, but it is also applicable in consumer-based markets. There are business models, such as the “Marketing Funnels” and “Account-Based Marketing”, that systematically attempt to provide some structure and measurement capabilities to a company’s lead generation process.

Leads are the product of engaging and interacting with a named prospect at any point in the sales journey. Leads are the key. When leads come from direct mail or call centers, the path through the funnel is clear. However, today with digital the primary “touchpoints” come from digital search, display, video, and mobile advertising. Because digital is an immersive technology, touchpoints can be gathered at any point — and often multiple points — in any sales cycle.

Onboarding a first-party CRM list to digital delivery points and IDs effectively combines the benefits of direct mail with the scale of television and the Internet. Theoretically, a known person can show up as an ad impression in a display campaign, a visit to a website, and a walk-in purchase in a store. If the right linking technology is in place, providing transparency and scale, the top of the funnel fills very quickly with qualified leads.

Site Visitor Attribution (SVA) leverages the Smart Zones patented matching technology to provide a common and persistent key for businesses, households, people, and devices across the entire digital ecosystem. Any captured ad impression, click through, website visit, online purchase, and even store visits can be converted into names and addresses. Names and addresses can then be enhanced with age, income, and gender for segmentation, person-based targeting, and re-targeting.

Matching to multiple digital touch points requires a common key between the person’s online behaviors and their offline identity. Semcasting SVA recognizes that people don’t live, work and play in any one place. SVA creates the bridges that exist between a device, a person, a household, and the work place to produce better leads and drive more accurate marketing campaigns.

Download our Site Visitor Attribution overview for more information.

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