1 min read

Tapping into the $1 trillion Hispanic market this holiday season

On the eve of the holiday rush, retailers are racking their brains to come up with a great promotional scheme. One of the biggest issues this year is determining who, exactly, companies should fix their focus upon.

The Hispanic market, which reached $1 trillion in buying power in 2010, is expected to grow to $1.5 trillion in 2015, according to Direct Marketing News. With all of those dollars in play, marketers are searching for the best way to reach out and connect with these individuals through their advertising.

Targeting the Hispanic market is simple: locate them and reach out to them at home. By sending out direct mail advertisements and inserts to communities that have a high number of Hispanic consumers, marketers can make the most of their ad campaigns.

The Hispanic Indicator Index by Semcasting can help marketers reach out to the more than 16 million American Hispanic households at home where they are most likely to open and consider your offer. By targeting the Hispanic audience at the right time and in the right place, marketers can see a better return on their holiday advertising investments.

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