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Reach 54 Million Hispanic Consumers

The Hispanic Market Is Booming Online
Reach 54 Million Hispanic Consumers in the U.S.

The Hispanic population is projected to grow from 17% of the U.S. population today to over 30% by 2060. And according to Nielsen, the number of Hispanics who own smartphones approaches 70%, with nearly 75% percent of them frequently watching videos and using their phones for shopping and entertainment.

Hispanic consumers have closed the digital divide faster than most other ethnic groups in the U.S., and have also embraced mobile technologies as a means for managing their everyday financial services, shopping and entertainment activities. They are a prime audience for digital marketers—when they can be accurately sourced as an online audience.

With the Smart Zones audience targeting platform, advertisers can now accurately identify Hispanic households and target them across desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones and even Wi-Fi hotspots. Smart Zones can pre-qualify any consumer audience with 100% reach, based on demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral variables including income, discretionary income, family composition, age, language, geography, ethnicity and interests.

Smart Zones targets qualified Hispanic consumers offline at the household level and then, using our patented technology, will onboard those households with a nearly 100% match rate. There is no tracking or use of cookies. Smart Zones identifies the ISP delivery points of nearly every qualified Hispanic consumer that is online.

Use Case

A leading media broadcast company was looking to provide new programming directed at Spanish-speaking households across a dozen major metro areas.

Using Smart Zones, a list of current customers was employed to produce a look-alike model, which then identified the households with the highest matching scores in each metro area. A business rule was also applied to match the highest-scoring population against affluence level and language affiliation—narrowing down the prospect pool to Spanish speaking households for select audience segments.

The broadcast company was able to reach nearly 100% of the qualified Spanish-speaking audiences, with language specific, messaging delivered to their mobile devices and home addresses.

To learn more, visit our Consumer Zones Page.

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