1 min read

Neuromarketing Depends on Targeting

Neuromarketing, which bases it's strategies on the inner workings of the human mind, is a field of marketing that's been raising a lot of attention - and even more questions. Neuromarketing uses medical technologies to measure changes in activity in parts of the brain to learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and what part of the brain is telling them to do it.

Even before neuromarketing, advertisers knew that eliciting an emotional response from an audience was an important key to increased exposure and sales. Now, presented as science, marketers and advertisers are looking for ways to turn this subtle science to a not-so-subtle advantage. Marketers literally want to pick your brain in order to sell you more products.

"Recent years have brought huge advances in the study of the brain demonstrating that emotion isn't really an arrow in the advertiser's quiver, a color in a palette or some kind of mysterious patina on an otherwise functional piece of furniture," Bob Woodward, Executive Vice President of Advertising Effectiveness at Advertising Research Foundation, explains in AdvertisingAge Magazine. "It's the foundation for thought and action. It is clear that emotion plays more than a cameo role in driving consumer response and delivering marketing impact."

The trick to harnessing neuromarketing is to target audiences of like-minded consumers in order to identify overall trends. Marketers who have the ability to view prospective consumers as niche audiences can expect to draw more accurate conclusions about the data they collect, and how that data can best inform consumer marketers on the best way to approach an audience.

When it comes to finding these highly targeted niche audiences online, IP Audience Zones can help. IP Audience Zones by Semcasting is an advanced targeting solution that helps organizations identify and target the most qualified audience for a particular purpose. Using genetic algorithms and over 120 demographic variables, Semcasting employs its proprietary offline database to identify the most likely individual consumers at the sub-zip code level. This helps marketers, looking to pick the brains of a particular audience, find those who are best qualified.