1 min read

How to Target the Growing Insurance Market

Health Insurance Companies can Achieve Nearly 100% Targeted Reach Online

Gallup is reporting that the rate of the uninsured continues to drop with lower and lower rates of medically uninsured Americans every quarter, with 11.4% currently without healthcare. When looking to target the growing insurance market, the challenge for health insurance companies is to prioritize and reach those among the uninsured that are a good fit for your offerings.

Since the fourth quarter of 2013 when the ACA went into effect, health insurance companies have recognized that more and more consumers are researching and selecting health options online, as compared to getting information from TV or radio. To meet the increase in demand, the health insurance industry spent over $1.5 billion on digital advertising in 2014. This cost was at a rate far below what could have been spent to reach the same audiences on TV or through direct mail.

Reaching specifically targeted audiences online at scale has traditionally been very difficult. It required cookies, and cookies only reach 25% - 30% percent of a qualified audience at any given time. That coverage continues to drop due to cookie blocking, lack of mobile support and a greater public concern for online privacy.

With Semcasting Smart Zones™, all health insurance companies now have the ability to identify and reach nearly 100 percent of their target audiences – all while maintaining consumer privacy.

Using a patented analytics-based approach, Smart Zones links our extensive offline database of 140 million households and 18 million businesses to their online Internet delivery points across the U.S. and Canada. With our Smart Zones platform, you can build highly custom audiences – using any of our 750 demographic, firmographic, or psychographic variables – or we can match to your CRM records, direct mail lists or log files from website visitors. By matching to customers and devices we can enable nearly 100 percent reach across any Internet-enabled device.

Because the Smart Zones process doesn’t use cookies, health insurance companies can keep consumer information private and secure without sacrificing campaign performance. Semcasting is certified by TRUSTe, IAB and the DMA, and complies with the U.S. Government’s “Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights,” issued in 2013.

See what you can do with Smart Zones for Health Insurance.

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