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Financial Services with Deterministic Customer & Cross-Device Targeting at Scale

Onboarding for Direct Mail Online

The financial services industry turned direct mail customer acquisition into a science. Too often, however, these same companies are left “fishing” for their best prospects when they engage in online outreach. In most cases, a targeted prospect in a pool of behavioral intenders might have the desired income and might live in the correct trade area.

When onboarding and “person-based” marketing entered the Ad-Tech mix, the promise of a clear correlation between direct mail lists and online targeting offered a solution. New technology, however, came with new problems. The challenge became the 30–40% onboarding match rates and the lack of transparency within the walled-gardens of social and search platforms.

Semcasting Smart Zones® was specifically designed to optimize deterministic match rates to known consumers across all devices.

Smart Zones is built on 249 million offline consumers known at an address and device level. These consumers are associated with a large number of qualifying data variables, including: premium household income values (up to $2.5 million), net worth values (up to $10 million), home values (over 25 years of transactions), invested assets by household, a precise Discretionary Income Index, an Invitation to Apply Index, and over 500 other demographic attributes.

Offline-based consumer potential is realized when a list is onboarded using to our twice-patented Smart Zones IP Targeting technology. Smart Zones uniquely provides a deterministic map of 110 million households, 15 million businesses and over 105 million mobile devices — providing an average 80–90% match rate.

A recent BBC-Millward Brown study reported 39% percent of affluent consumers use their mobile devices to access the Internet at least once an hour, making mobile targeting key to reaching any target consumer. With our recently-introduced Mobile Footprints, Semcasting offers a deterministic connection between a consumer’s mobile device and their home and business.

Matching prospect lists to the device and location where they are most likely to transact is fundamental to marketing success. Learn more about Semcasting’s Smart Zones IP Targeting.

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Reforming Digital Audiences

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