Opt in, opt out, and the gray area in between
Following the FTC recommendations for new legislation for online privacy and the growing publicity that behavioral tracking has received, marketers...
1 min read
Ray Kingman
Dec 27, 2011 10:43:48 AM
Businesses must be able to accurately identify the users who are visiting their sites if they are going to do an adequate job of adjusting to their needs and requirements. Organizations that are savviest when it comes to analytics will tell you that you have a holistic handle on your data set. This means extensive data collection and the shedding of potentially skewed single threaded methodologies for obtaining information.
On the most basic level, there is a built in element of unreliability in any single method of blind data collection that can manifest itself in double counting in the extreme or in faulty assumptions about a single data point.
"Some internal data may be on a customer level, but digital data is often based on cookie level data and one customer may use a number of different devices to interact with the organization, resulting in a number of different cookie records," explains ClickZ's Neil Mason.
Semcasting's IP Audience Zones provides a solution for the holistic data collection power they need to be at their most competitive going into the new year. That's because IP Audience Zones draws on multiple points of statistically plausible - not inferred - interest. By drawing on predictive models based on demographic and psychographic location-based data, IP Audience Zones can provide nearly 100 percent reach supported by 750 data variables. This helps marketers land on the most accurate analysis of their intended audience, bringing information into the mix that draws on a database of 70 million demographic combinations from 5.2 million target-ready zones.
Following the FTC recommendations for new legislation for online privacy and the growing publicity that behavioral tracking has received, marketers...
Now that the Senate has greenlighted the tax bill, healthcare insurance organizations will be forced to take action. With consumers and families no...
Marketing experts generally agree that online marketing is among the best methods for reaching consumers because most consumers spend a considerable...