Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

The Search Zeitgeist and IP analytics

Written by Ray Kingman | Dec 27, 2011 3:43:11 PM

Knowing what consumers are crazy about is as easy as checking out this year's most popular search terms. Google's 11th annual Zeitgeist showcases the year's busiest brand-specific search queries in an easily digestible list format, giving retailers everywhere the knowledge they need to meet consumer demand and match their offerings to the prevalence of hot-button items in the minds of shoppers everywhere

For example, the Kindle Fire ranked as the fastest-rising gadget of the year, beating out the iPhone 4S and the Sidekick 4G, in terms of terms searched. An online electronics retailer may look at this data and conclude that it makes sense to target every user who visits its site with ads that specifically feature the Kindle. However, not all of the online users who contributed to the Kindle's high search ranking this year are qualified prospects for the electronic. Understanding who is making the search request is often more important to marketers than any other factor. Narrowing down the list of targetable prospects using predictive models based on demographic and psychographic characteristics of the searcher allows retailers to avoid wasted ad spend and focus their marketing efforts on displaying the right advertisement to the most qualified consumer.

Connecting the searcher to their demographic and psychographic profile can only be done with IP Audience Zones.  IP Zones provides over 1.5 million consumer and 3.8 million business segments that represent summarized consumer demographic and firmographic business profiles.  With over 750 distinct attributes assigned to each IP Range location, the marketer has a much stronger idea of who the consumers are, and how and where they can be targeted in future campaigns.