Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

Event Targeting for Trade Show Season

Written by Semcasting | Oct 12, 2016 2:00:24 PM
Mobile Footprints Improves Event and Trade Show ROI

For some businesses, Fall is the season of trade shows. Major trade shows, conferences, or conventions offer opportunities for the key stakeholder to gather and discuss advancements in their respective industries.

Trade show attendees are out to secure meetings with vendors, potential partners, and investors. However, every business is competing for attention with dozens, if not hundreds, of others. You need an outreach strategy that will reach as many prospects as possible while managing the cost of your trade show investment.

Most of the time, digital advertising is overlooked in trade show marketing. Usually, that is because the target audience is a small group in an even smaller venue. Online advertising, however, is depending more and more on mobile and cross-device targeting. This change could benefit trade show and event targeting in a profound way.

  • • Targeting event locations and adjacent sites — hotels, coffee shops, etc. —used to be dependent on special beacons. Now, these locations can be geo-fenced and mapped by GPS coordinates to smartphones and other devices, picking up all active device signals over a window of time defined by the advertiser.
  • • The square footage of the convention center, or any other address, defines the captured area. With Mobile Footprints, we track and auto-size over 140 million locations by acreage and square footage.
  • • Whether you need to target during or after the event, Mobile Footprints allows you to generate news and leads isolated to a specific list of pre-qualified contacts.
  • • Marketers aren’t flying blind — Mobile Footprints aligns not only to a location but also to the device owner’s demographic attributes.

Semcasting Mobile Footprints is a new technology that enables mobile targeting at the event as well as at the participants’ home and business locations after the show is over. Mobile Footprints follows every location for mobile activity over periods of 1–90 days. In this way, Mobile Footprints will improve retargeting and provide necessary campaign extension for over 110 million unique devices.

Learn more about Semcasting’s Mobile Footprints solution to increasing event and trade show ROI.