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Comparing Digital Audience Targeting Methods

How is Smart Zones Different from Cookie-Based Targeting?

In the world of digital audience targeting, not all methods are made equal. For over a decade, brands and agencies have relied on cookies to connect offline audiences to their online presence. More and more companies recognize the challenges on this method in a multi-device world.  New methods have been introduced to address these challenges.  Here is how cookies and Semcasting Smart Zones™ stack up against each other.



Smart Zones™

List/CRM Match Rate Averages less than 30% match rates. Averages 90-95% match rate.
Reach & Coverage Unknown. Depends on the match rate and number of duplicates in the cookie pool.  Cookies are anonymous and indistinguishable from one another – according to Google most users have 4+ cookies in a single segment. 100% reach whenever a user is online. Each user is unique within a zone with no duplication or waste.
Single variable match to intent or a purchase record bundled into a segment of 2-3 hundred others. Targeting specific organizations by name, industry or revenue level. True multi-variable matching. 750+ variables for consumers and businesses across the U.S. and Canada. Segments are one to eight households in size.
Cross-Device Support Limited reach to browsers and mobile devices inside the firewall unless 3rd party
cookies are supported or they have an app installed - i.e. limited for B2B in most businesses, on iPhones or on certain browsers.
Can reach or select against any device connected to the Internet at a designated location within the real-time bid stream. Target B2B campaigns at roof-top with 100% reach.
Localization &
Trade Areas
Limited to DMA or zip codes. Neighborhood level, or rooftops of businesses. Average of 800 Smart Zones per zip code.
Pre-Campaign Optimization Attribution consulting services may provide guidance on best practices at a cost. Ability to identify the media that best aligns with the consumer or organization based on history at no cost.   Allows optimization for contextual categories, Click-Through Rate (CTR), ad size, time of day, and day of week before a single ad is served.
Best Use Retargeting campaigns.
Bottom of the sales funnel applications -“click to close" offers.
Offline to online user matching.
In-the-market and can afford the offering.
Cross-Device reach needed.
Trade area coverage: retail, politics, etc.

The two audience targeting methods have different strengths. However, Smart Zones stands out as a solution where coverage matters and to the digital one-to-one marketing myth.

Learn more about Smart Zones today.

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