Semcasting's Identity Resolution and Measurement Solutions

B2B Advertisers Reach More Decision Makers Online

Written by Semcasting | Jul 9, 2014 1:05:18 AM
B2B Advertisers Reach More Decision Makers Online
Expand Your Reach to Over 18 Million Businesses!

Online advertising for B2B is completely different than consumer campaigns. In order to promote the promise of one-to-one online targeting, a great deal of effort has been expended to identify and track supposed decision makers: IT managers, VPs, owners and others. This method typically doesn’t work online – at least not at scale.

Challenge 1: Organizations of size typically block cookies at the firewall or browser leaving B2B campaigns with a tiny pool of exceptions to target against. With click-through rates under 1% it is virtually impossible to make the ROI work.

Challenge 2: Mid-size to small companies, sole proprietorships and closely-held companies like auto dealers, retailers, store owners, attorneys, CPAs, technologists and health professionals rarely engage in browsing the Internet in the office during billable hours. To reach them, advertisers need an alternative touch-point – like having the ability to extend the B2B campaign to target these same decision makers at home.

Challenge 3: Buying decisions don’t always start at the top. They start with a need, and that need is often generated by others in the organization. Being able to distribute a custom message across the entire network of the business can be a very cost-effective way to generate demand and reinforce the brand.

Challenge 4: It is vital that advertisers know upfront which companies they are reaching and have the ability to link them to the sites they frequent. Being able to identify and target the exact company by name, NAICS code, revenue and employee count – just like they were sending them direct mail – translates into a higher probability of success.

The Smart Zones approach to B2B advertising is being able to reach most businesses at a rooftop level. Unlike onboarded cookies with less than 30% coverage, Smart Zones provides coverage to over 18 million large, medium and small businesses. We target known businesses with known revenue and employee counts and match by company name or by industry classification.

This means we can locate and reach the modem that serves the high-tech research center, the doctor’s office or the local restaurateur in almost every situation. Your message gets delivered to all of the organizations you want to target with the exact message you want sent every time.

With Smart Zones, B2B advertisers have the capability to reach 100% of businesses:

  • Increased Reach: Smart Zones provides reach to 18 million businesses
  • Enhanced Privacy: No use of cookies and 100% privacy-friendly
  • Data Integrity: Smart Zones micro-targets specific company names, company management and decision makers, NAICS codes, employee counts and revenue amounts

To learn more about how you can reach more decision makers online, visit our B2B industry page and download our overview.