1 min read

Executing an Account-Based Digital Campaign

Creating a Cross-Device and Cross-Location B2B Connection        

As Big Data and Digital become core capabilities in business development and B2B advertising, the demand for a deterministic account-based marketing solution grows.

Account-based marketing has come from a need to connect marketing investments to specific organizations, decision-makers, and influencers. The ABM business model resonates with traditional marketers because it is transparent about who the prospects are as well as how and when they are able to be reached online.

Online targeting technologies must be able to navigate from the original audience to advertising engagements at work and at home, as well as to the transaction or point of sale. Reaching business professionals by titles, company names, trade areas, or business categories using cookie IDs only works about 30% of time, and the technology crumbles when matching to locations, devices, and most importantly to points of sale.

One of the most effective strategies for account-based marketing is IP Targeting. Tactics involving IP and mobile targeting avoid the cookie matching and delivery challenges. These are methodologies that take action based on verifiable audience data and translate seamlessly between a CRM platform, an ad impression, and an online or storefront purchase. The 80-90% match rates with IP onboarding provide deterministic person-based coverage of locations, site visits, mobile devices, and desktops.

Eliminating the cookie brings transparency to those being reached in an advertising campaign and enables closed-loop attribution — matching any CRM account all the way from a list to a point of sale, regardless of the channel.

Semcasting’s account-based advertising employs a patented IP targeting technology with a unique mobile solution. Over 18 million businesses and 120 million mobile devices are mapped and transparently identified to homes (demographics) and businesses (firmographics).

Learn more about making account-based advertising work for your organization by downloading our white paper.

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