Brands and agencies have begun to think outside the box. In order to reach business owners, operators or self-employed professionals (e.g. medical professionals, CPAs, attorneys or contractors), put yourself in their shoes and you will quickly recognize that a majority of their workday is spent fully engaged in driving billable hours and delivering results for their clients.
Often, it isn’t until the evening or weekend that these same professionals use their downtime to access news or entertainment. More often than not, that access is online. Instead of the limited reach of traditional cookie-based 'title targeting' against a business, brands and agencies are starting to construct more holistic promotional campaigns. They are starting to link online display advertising and targeting to offices, homes and media in order to generate the best combination of reach and ROI for their campaigns.
In addition to reaching every business location with a NAICS code at the rooftop level of the business during the workday, they extend the targeting to business owners, operators and the self-employed at home—on the media they frequent—when and where they are most likely to be paying attention.
With Semcasting’s Smart Zones, brands and agencies now have the ability to identify and reach nearly 100 percent of the B2B marketplace through an online targeting solution that does not require onboarding, the use of cookies or tracking. Targeting businesses with Smart Zones is like direct mail, but online and completely privacy friendly. By taking the Smart Zones' approach, brands and agencies can now control costs and reach scale with their B2B campaigns.
Here’s how Smart Zones makes this possible:
To learn more about how Smart Zones can targeting business owners and professionals, visit our Business Zones page and download our overview.